
Naslov ne obstaja

Ta domena (ali račun) na tem strežniku ne obstajata

Pogosti razlogi

Nepravilna domena

Domena ni ustrezno dodana na cPanel/WHM strežnik. Obstajati mora kot:

  • samostojen cPanel račun,
  • Parkirana (Alias) domena,
  • Dodana (Addon) domena.

SSL ni nameščen

Zahtevana je bila HTTPS (SSL) povezava, na domeni pa ni (ustrezno) nameščenega SSL certifikata.

Potrebno je namestiti SSL certifikat.

Neobstoječ naslov

Neposredno je bilo zahtevano ime (ang. "host") ali IP naslov strežnika.
Ker na tem naslovu (ang. "virtual host") ni nameščene spletne strani, je prikazano to obvestilo.

Pogoste rešitve

Osvežite spletno stran s kombinacijo tipk Ctrl + F5 (ang. "hard refresh").

V brskalniku pobrišite predpomnilnik. Navodila za: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari (iOS).

Resetirajte modem in/ali router na vaši internet povezavi. Občasno je lahko staro stanje shranjeno na napravi.

Ta stran se lahko (redko) prikaže tudi iz naslednjih razlogov.

  1. Posodobil se je IP naslov spletne strani, kar je možno v primeru migracije domene na drug IP naslov.
  2. Spremenilo se je ime domene oz. domena (paket) je bila migrirana na drugo okolje.
  3. Prišlo je do napake v konfiguraciji strežnika (zelo redko).

Če menite, da je prišlo do napake, nas lahko kontaktirate z ustreznimi informacijami (npr. s posnetkom zaslona).


Address doesn't exist

This domain or account does not exist on this server

Common reasons

Domain name incorrect

This domain isn't (correctly) added to this cPanel/WHM server. It needs to be a:

  • a standolone cPanel account,
  • an Addon domain or
  • a Parked domain (Alias).

SSL not installed

You are trying to use a secure HTTPS (SSL) session but the domain doesn't have a SSL certificate installed.

A SSL certificate is needs to be installed.

Address doesn't exist

Server name (hostname) or IP address has been requested directly.

This message means that no website is set up on this address (virtual host).

Common fixes

Refresh this website using keyboard combination Ctrl + F5 ("hard refresh").

Clear browser cache in your web browser. Instructions: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari (iOS).

Power cycle (turn off/on) your modem/router. Sometimes these devices store their own cached data.

This message can also appear when:

  1. IP address of the website has changed. This occurs when a cPanel account is migrated to a new IP address.
  2. Domain name has been changed or the website (cPanel account) has been migrated to a new server environment.
  3. There has been an error in server configuration.

If you believe this is an error please contact us with all the necessary details (a screenshot is best).

Status: 403 Forbidden Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 403 Forbidden Executing in an invalid environment for the supplied user